When searching for therapy options, it's common to first consider psychologists. It's also important to recognise Accredited Mental Health Social Workers (AMHSWs) also provide essential therapeutic services.
They address psychological concerns and incorporate the social aspects of well-being, ensuring a comprehensive approach to care.
High Standards of Professional Expertise
Accredited Mental Health Social Workers (AMHSWs) in Australia adhere to stringent professional standards. To become accredited, they must complete a recognised social work degree, accumulate at least two years of full-time equivalent post-qualifying experience in a mental health setting, and complete a minimum of 3,360 hours of supervised clinical practice in mental health.
This rigorous training enhances their traditional social work skills and deepens their understanding of mental health, including therapeutic interventions and treatment planning.
Holistic and Accessible Services
Accredited Mental Health Social Workers (AMHSWs) can provide private mental health services under the Commonwealth Medicare initiative, positioning them alongside psychologists. This enables them to provide subsidised care, making mental health support more accessible and affordable.
Comprehensive Range of Therapeutic Interventions
Accredited Mental Health Social Workers (AMHSWs) are well-prepared to manage a broad array of mental health conditions through a holistic approach that addresses psychological issues while incorporating social, economic, and environmental factors. This comprehensive approach ensures all aspects influencing a person’s health are factored into their treatment plans and ongoing care.
At Evolving Minds, Accredited Mental Health Social Workers use a variety of focused psychological therapies, such as cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), mindfulness, and strengths-based therapies. Additionally, our clinicians have completed specialised training in EMDR, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Radically Open DBT, among others. For more details on the treatments we offer, please visit the Treatments section on our website.
Accredited Mental Health Social Workers are pivotal in the landscape of mental health services in Australia. With their high-level training and Medicare recognition, they deliver crucial, accessible, and comprehensive mental health services.
For individuals, couples and families dealing with mental health challenges, Accredited Mental Health Social Workers offer professional and compassionate support.