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Sleep Disorders

At Evolving Minds Counselling, we utilise evidence-based therapies to assist individuals of all ages, including children, adolescents, and adults, in managing sleep disorders.


A lack of adequate sleep has been associated with heightened blood pressure and an increased risk of hypertension. This condition can strain the heart over time, potentially leading to serious complications like heart attacks and strokes.


The encouraging news is that sleep disorders are manageable with the appropriate treatment.

Among the most prevalent sleep disorders are:




Insomnia can disrupt your ability to initiate or maintain sleep, impacting various aspects of life including work performance, decision-making, and relationships. It's important to note that insomnia can affect anyone and may be triggered by factors such as stress, chronic pain, pregnancy, depression, and environmental elements like noise, light, extreme temperatures, or irregular sleep patterns due to shift work.

Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-i) has demonstrated effectiveness in addressing negative thought patterns and behaviors related to sleep, while also fostering healthy sleep habits and strategies for improved sleep quality.


Sleep Apnoea


Sleep apnea is characterised by interruptions in breathing during sleep, often without the individual realising it, resulting in feelings of fatigue upon waking. In severe cases, breathing interruptions can occur numerous times throughout the night. Sleep apnoea has been linked to various health issues including hypertension, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and depression. Additionally, it can pose a risk for accidents, such as falling asleep while driving, due to impaired sleep quality.


Although medical intervention is typically necessary for sleep apnea, lifestyle adjustments such as weight management, smoking cessation, and reducing alcohol consumption can complement medical treatment effectively.


Studies have shown that CBT can also be beneficial in managing and alleviating symptoms of sleep apnea, with research from Flinders University indicating a reduction in its severity among individuals undergoing CBT.


Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) or Willis-Ekbom Disease


Restless legs syndrome, characterised by an irresistible urge to move the legs that disrupts sleep initiation, can also cause sensations like itching or burning in the legs while lying down.


This disorder affects both sleep quality and quantity, leading to irritability, difficulty concentrating, and associations with depression and anxiety. RLS tends to have a familial predisposition, with women being more susceptible than men. Iron deficiency and low dopamine levels are known precursors, and other sleep disorders like sleep apnea and deprivation can trigger episodes.


In pregnancy, RLS often occurs in the last trimester but typically resolves after childbirth. Children diagnosed with ADHD may also experience RLS.


Managing RLS involves lifestyle modifications and adopting healthy coping strategies.


Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders


These disorders affect the timing of sleep, resulting in difficulties falling asleep, staying asleep, waking up during sleep, or being unable to fall back asleep. Common conditions under this category include delayed sleep phase disorder, jet lag, and shift work disorder.


Circadian rhythm sleep disorders stem from disruptions in internal and external factors such as biological clocks, work schedules, illness, or social obligations. Symptoms include insomnia, fatigue, sleep loss, depression, stress in relationships, and impaired performance at work or school.


Effective treatments for circadian rhythm sleep disorders include progressive muscle relaxation, cognitive behavioral therapy, and practicing good sleep hygiene.


If you believe seeking professional support could be beneficial, please don't hesitate to contact us at 02 8519 4197, or you can conveniently schedule an appointment by completing the form below.

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